Major League Success

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to be a successful real estate agent no matter what stage you are in for your real estate business.

Major League success

was created in 2019 to give back to those who are new, those who are lost, and to those who want more in their Real Estate Business. I believe the failure rate in our business is too high and it is because:

1. They do not teach you about real estate business when you get your license. Meaning, how to generate real estate leads, how to write a contract, how to speak to prospects on the phone, etc

2. People’s egos get in the way of them receiving/wanting coaching/mentorship

3. Starting in Real Estate is expensive and most people do not have the proper budget set aside, and people do not know, what they do not know.

“I grew up playing sports and the dream was to always make it to the Major Leagues and so that is how I came up with Major League Success. I wanted a name that people could strive for. A company that was going to be the absolute peak of real estate, the top of the mountain, and a community of fellow Realtors that were going to be at the top of the mountain as well.” -Jon Harp

What do I get? The structure of Major League Success is as follows:

  • You will receive access to weekly content Monday, Wednesday and Friday – for life.
  • You will become a member of the Major League Success Family and will be added to the Major League Success Facebook Page – for life.
  • You will also receive 6 weekly 30-minute Zoom coaching sessions that will change the momentum of your business and give you a launching pad to your new results.
  • While in the 6-week training session, you will have full access to my calendar and a private GroupMe so you can have constant communication & support with me. You will receive the MLS Daily Success Sheet and the MLS Weekly Success Tracker Sheet

With Major League Success, my goal and the goal of our community is to give first, give often and share in the success.  We believe that “Success Unshared is Failure” – John Paul Dejoria. On our team, we know the formula for Success = Hard Work + Consistency + Patience and it is our mission to make our industry better, more respected and ultimately making sure our fellow Realtors get the success they are looking for. 

  • How Many Agents Have Successfully Gone Through Major League Success Training? Major League Success Training is brand new, in the sense that I am offering this training to every real estate agent. I have been the Agent Success Coach for the Columbus House Team for 9 years and we have scaled our team from 2 agents to over 30+ agents and counting. I have coached all of them with the same things I will be coaching you with.
  • What is Required of Me? The willingness to be coachable and the desire to find your definition of success. I ask that you put in 100% effort as we go through the coaching so you can see the results happen
  • How Soon Can I Expect to See Results?: By the end of the 6-week coaching, you should start to see the momentum being built to your new business future IF you work hard, stay consistent, have patience, and believe in yourself.
  • What Makes Your Training Different?: I believe that most Real Estate Agents fail, not because they don’t work hard or want to work hard, it is because they do not know how and where to get real estate business and they do not have the constant support that they need in order to build the momentum that their business needs. The difference between Major League Success and every other coaching company is constant access to your coach.

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