What serves you? Top 3 weekly tasks to focus on as a real estate agent. 

Agent on Phone

Does your to-do list sometimes feel never-ending? It can be difficult even to know where to start when tasks pile up. As real estate agents, we have emails to respond to, phone calls to make, houses to show, and documents to review. That doesn’t even cover the marketing you should be doing to ensure your personal brand and business continue developing.

With everything on our plates, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed! But I recommend taking a step back and focusing on these three things every week to ensure you are moving forward with your clients and business. 

1. Focus on Your Goals

What are your goals for the year? Have you set a vision for where you want to be at the end of 2022? Now is the perfect time to create your goals and vision for December and 2023!

As you start each week, review your goals for the year. What have you accomplished in the month, and what movement needs to happen this week to stay on track? Write down the tasks you need to complete. If you are visual, use a sticky note to keep them in front of your workspace or set a reminder on your phone.

If you are still trying to decide which direction to go, break down your goals into bite-size steps. For example, do you want to earn $100,000 in commission? Determine how many houses (use an average sales price for your market) you need to close on in a year. Continue to break down those numbers using your closing rate on homes and your percentage rate of converting prospects to clients. 

2. Be Consistent 

Developing relationships and moving deals forward requires a consistent, steady approach. One of the challenges I talk to agents about is how easy it is to burn yourself out with high-production times followed by a recovery period. 

The key to long-term growth is consistently focusing on the tasks you need to complete each week to reach your goals. Now that doesn’t mean you won’t have times when you have a lot to do! Like any industry, we have busy and slow seasons, but building those ebbs and flows into your plans is essential. 

So how do you stay consistent? 

  • Reach out to your prospects (know the number you need to contact every week). This should be a mix of new and developing prospects.
  • Check in with current clients. Even if there isn’t movement on their situation, send a message – continue to show value during the slow times.
  • Review documents. Stay up to date with offers, home inspections, and new listings.
  • Send a message to another agent in your network. Continue to build your relationships, so you know about homes or opportunities coming on the market before they hit. 

3. Make Time to Decompress

One of the hardest things I had to learn as an agent was not feeling the need to work in and on my business 24/7. I thought if I wasn’t doing something related to real estate, then my business would suffer. 

But what I know now, after being in the industry and working with my coach, is that you need to schedule free days to relax. Your business will grow stronger as you find your balance. You’ll be able to stay focused on your short and long-term goals and what you are trying to accomplish. 

If you are looking for a knowledgeable coach, I’d welcome the opportunity to connect! I’ve been in the industry since 2011, and I’ve helped agents implement beneficial systems to grow their sales. 

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