How To Sell Your Home Fast in Ohio

Sell Fast 1

If you put your home on the market, your goal should be to sell your home for the most amount of money, in the least amount of time, under the most favorable terms, right? So how do you sell your home super fast?

Here are 8 tips to help you sell your home fast…

1. Curb Appeal

When a potential buyer drives by your home or even pulls up for a showing, the first impression they will get is the front of your home. Make sure that you prepare your home for it’s best first impression…

  • Powerwash doorway, windows, garage door, etc.

  • Touch up paint around front door and garage door trim

  • Add flowers for a pop of color

  • Pull weeds and make sure to mulch

  • Cut grass and edge all the way around for those clean lines

  • Touch up the driveway

2. Clean it up

Make sure to do a deep clean before listing your home for sale. For a deep clean you can hire some help your invite your family over to pitch in. Here is what to remember…

  • Look up, there is dust and spider webs in the corners of your ceiling

  • Vacuum and clean all floors and carpets

  • Touch up paint around high traffic areas with scrapes and fingerprints

  • Wash knobs, handles, cabinets, railings and anywhere else someone would touch

  • Scrub appliances inside and out to make them look like new

There is more to the list for sure, so make sure you go through your home with great detail whether you are the cleanest person or the messiest person.

3. Declutter

This means rooms, closets, cabinets, basement, and even your crawl space. When a buyer comes into your home, they will probably not be looking for less closet space or not as many cabinets right? So show them the space your home offers by…

  • Removing pieces of furniture to open up your living room

  • Organize and remove items from your closets

  • Organize your Kitchen cabinets and pantry

  • Organize bedroom closets to show off the space

  • Organize your basement whether it’s finished or unfinished

This is where a second opinion or an expert could come in handy. They will let you know how to stage and organize your home to sell.

4. Set the table

Giving a little push to let home buyers see themselves living in your home doesn’t hurt. Try setting the table with placemats, plates, cups, silverware, and a center piece. Don’t over do it, but just enough to make it feel like a staged home.

5. Neutral Colors

No one wants a hot pink Kitchen or a lime green bedroom. Well, maybe they do but make sure that you keep it neutral. If you have any dark colors or bright colors, you might want to repaint. Stick with the neutral white, off white, beige, tan, neutral grays and blues, etc. If there is a bold color in a room, if the home buyer doesn’t like it all they will see are dollars signs and work to fix it.

6. Define rooms and areas

Have you ever walked into a home with an awkward space or a small room and think to yourself, “what do we do with this space?” If you have something like this in your home, try to give it a definition. Whether it is just a sitting area, storage area, or a playroom make sure to stage it that way for the potential buyers. Having more space is not a bad thing, but when it is awkward space it might throw off the buyer.

7. Price it right, the first time

Pricing is so important in any market. If you price your home too high you could miss out on potential buyers. If you price your home too low, you could miss out on money in your pocket. Listen to your real estate agent and listen to your local market. The stats don’t lie.

8. Be flexible

When it comes to showings, you never want to turn one down. Make sure you are flexible in accommodating potential home buyers when they request a showing. Even if they call an hour before they want to see your home, try your best to make it work. You never know, they might be the ones who buy your home!


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